
Nov 19, 2015

Tomatoes, Fact that You Should Know

It is often referred to as

Tomatoes are known as 'the poor man's orange' because of its high vitamin, malic acid, and citric acid contents, and the fact that it serves as a fine appetizer. The tomato is also popular because it is a most rewarding crop for the home garden since it grows well practically everywhere, and it provides high nutrition in many forms such as raw in salads; cooked in soups, preserves, catsups, sauces; pickled; and in other forms. Tomatoes are nutritious and low in calories. One medium sized tomato provides 57% of the recommended daily allotment (RDA) of vitamin C, 25% RDA vitamin A, and 8% RDA iron, yet it has only 35 calories. Besides being eaten fresh, the versatile tomato can be baked, stewed, fried, juiced, or pickled and can be used in soups, salads, and sauces. When you eat 90 grams of fresh tomatoes you will get 15% of vitamin A, 20% Vitamin C and 2% of Iron.


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