
Fruits World : Banana

Banana is a useful source of vitamins A, C and B6 and has about twice the concentration of K compared with other ripe fruit

Fruits World : Mango

mango is a good to excellent source of provitamin A and is considered a fair source of vitamin C, although this varies greatly among cultivars, with a range between a low of 5 mg and as high as 142 mg/100 g of fresh material

Vegetables World : Spinach

Spinach is an extremely nutritious vegetable, rich both in core nutrients and phytochemicals. The major micronutrients in spinach are vitamins A (from β-carotene), C, K and folate, and the minerals, calcium, iron and potassium

Nov 30, 2015

CRISPR, The Double Edged Sword

Have you watched HITMAN movies? The main character agent, 47 is a perfect killing machine. He has advanced ability. Physical strength, highly intelligence brain and no feeling. Soon I think it will become possible. Recently, some of researcher have developed a tool that allow us to modify the DNA. Using this technology we can remake not only animals and plants DNA, but also us. Human. CRISPR-CAS 9 is the name of that technology. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats/ CAS (CRISPR Associated) commonly known as a defense mechanism that found in bacteria. It protects the bacteria from being invaded by T-Virus. I have not yet fully understand the how CRISPR mechanism is. But I do understand that this technology already makes a huge impact in genetic science.
First time I read was in nature website and in TED videos. Jennifer Doudna, researcher that developed this technology give a spectacular presentation about how we can use this technology to solved a genetic disorder in human and also using this technology to create a super plant that highly resistant to pest and diseases. As a plant pathologist. This CRISPR thing excited me. And some part of me want to become one of the scientists that developed “super plant” using CRISPR. But as a citizen I am afraid. Why? Because CRISPR allows us to create super human. If you have watched man of steel, I am sure you understand what I mean. CRISPR is a card to make us as  GOD. This technology can bring us prosperity and doom in the same time.
I can not imagine if some people use this technology to threaten the others. I have read that there is a meeting between the scientist to postpone using this technology until we can evaluate its safety. This meeting was held soon after the publication of Chinese researcher whose tried to modify human embryo. Personally I said that we are not ready to have this technology now. Not until we have an agreement to not using CRISPR as a deadly weapon. Nuclear should remind us. But I also realize CRISPR also give us an opportunity to solved our problem. Now, we can cure genetic disorder or other diseases that related to gene mutation. We can because CRISPR economically is cheaper than the others. I still don't know what CRIPSR looks like. Maybe it is just like another RNA.  It is a big leap to science after PCR technology. We should be wise. We do not run out smart and genius scientist, but we need more scientist that have a heart. Someone who put his humanity in front of his ambition. I hope that CRISPR is a cure, not the disease.

Nov 23, 2015

Fruits World : Papaya


Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a popular fruit native to tropical America. It is usually grown for its small to large melon-like fruit. It is a herbaceous perennial, bearing fruit continuously at the leaf axils spirally arranged along the single erect trunk. The papaya is also called papaw, pawpaw, papayer (French), melonenbaum (German), lechosa (Spanish), mamao, mamoeiro (Portuguese), mugua (Chinese) and betik (Malaysian, Indonesian). The fruit is the major product from this species, though young leaves and male flowers are used as vegetables and in soap. Nutritionally, the papaya is a good source of calcium (30 mg/100 g), and an excellent source of provitamin A and ascorbic acid (Wenkam, 1990). Papayas are consumed fresh as breakfast fruit, dessert or in salads. In Asia, green fruits are cooked as a vegetable or made into preserves. Papayas are also processed into various forms, such as dehydrated slices, chunks and slices for tropical fruit salads and cocktails, or processed into puree for juices and nectar base, usually frozen, and as canned nectar, mixed drinks and jams.
Papaya puree is the basis for remanufacturing of many products. Papaya puree is processed aseptically or frozen, with yield of ca. 50%. The flavour of aseptically processed puree is stable during processing and after 6 months in ambient storage, with some colour changes noted. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme that digests proteins and is used as a meat tenderizer, as a digestive medicine in the pharmaceutical industry, in beer brewing, tanning industries and in the manufacture of chewing gum. Papain production is primarily centred in Tanzania and India, where labour is abundant and inexpensive. The latex is obtained from green papaya by making about four surface lancings on the fruit and catching the drippings in cups, with yields of 88.5–227 g/tree of dried latex per year. Approximately 2.27 kg of fresh latex will produce 0.45 kg of dried latex (Paul and Duarte, 2011).